Maria Cecilia Castellazzi
Lawyer | Tel.+39 02 9713 3038
During her university studies, Cecilia studied for 6 months at the University Eberhard Karl of Tubinga (Germany); she also took part in some competitive seminars organized by the University of Milan and in the prestigious international competition Moot Court Competition. During her formation, she obtained languages certifications in English and German.
After graduating with honours in Law in 2022 from the University of Milan with the thesis “La tenuta del principio di legalità nell’ambito della criminalità informatica: profili dottrinali e prassi giurisprudenziale”,
Cecilia practiced Law at a leading international law firm.
Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), German (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge)
Cecilia practiced Law at a leading international law firm.
Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), German (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge)